Selecting your next Web Development Agency
·5 mins
Determining the right agency for your project can be daunting. If you’re in the RFP process, here are some things you might consider when making your selection.
A little about me
·6 mins
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line but my journey has been a series of squiggles and zigzags. Here’s a snapshot of my journey.
Website Process - Strategy [Phase 1]
·18 mins
If the project scope is a blueprint, the strategy is the foundation. These deliverables set the direction for everything that follows.
Website Process - Scoping [Phase 0]
·9 mins
The first phase of the website project is scoping. It’s the blueprint that the rest of the project is built from.
The Hard-Easy effect
·1 min
Our ability to predict how hard or easy something will be is often wrong.